Welcome to Spring Break in Utah...
Douglas is out of school all week, and our Monday started out wet wet wet.
Drew constantly wants "outside!" now, he's even learned how to (mostly) undress himself in the mornings in order to force me into getting him dressed into play clothes suitable for outside. (At least he realizes jammies are not outside clothes!)
So today, as we did the ritual point out the window and yell "ME OUTSIDE!" I tried to explain that it was raining and wet... and mucky.
I lost.
The kids got to use the new IKEA umbrellas I bought last year, and Drew got to wear his froggy boots, (hand me downs from Douglas that are WAYYYY to big for Drew still), and away they went to parade around the house and open and close the umbrellas a million times.
Until Drew started using his umbrella as a Bulldozer, ripping a hole in one of the seams....
Why do I buy umbrellas?
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