It used to be a darker green... almost the same shade as the green on the stairs, just a little deeper. (Sorry I didn't take a before photo!)
I was trying to lighten the wall up, and thought maybe putting a tan glaze on top would look didn't.
So I dug around in my pile of "oops" paint, and found a quart of brown I'd never used. I thinned it using equal parts paint and glaze and brushed it on in short strokes, in all directions (up, down, sideways, diagonal, etc.)
After about a 6' space was painted, I munched either a plastic tarp, or plastic bag on the paint. I found the bag was easier to use, size wise...
I then let the paint dry for about 2 minutes, and dry brushed over it again. In all directions again...
This is the result! Looks like leather to me.
So if you want a similar look...good luck, or you have 3 layers of paint to go through!
Wow! It looks fabulous! I can't wait to see it when your room is all set up.