
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 008

This post is a little late, but at least I’m getting it posted! Life has been increasingly crazy and the poor blog is being neglected…

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 003

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! These first two shots are of the Thanksgiving sunrise at our house. It was nice and warm, and just a pretty morning!

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 013

Now onto my new favorite thing.. My new bed! It’s made out of poplar with a cherry veneer.  A slightly different color than my armoires, but notice how the molding on the headboard matches the molding on the armoires? Dude is thinking about staining the armoires to match….we’ll see.. (and yes, I’m looking for a new rug/runner for my side (left in the photo) of the bed)

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 014

We were worried about it fitting in our bedroom. I ordered it online because none of the stores had one set up to look at. So it was a guess about how it would look/fit/etc. The delivery men had to finesse the headboard up the stairs (it BARELY made it), and the light switch plate is covered by an inch to allow Dude’s armoire door to open without banging into the bed, but all in all it works in the room!

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 011

It has these nifty lights in the headboard, the little brass button thing on the right (with the string hanging from it) controls the 3 way light by touch. Pretty groovy!

It was delivered the day before Thanksgiving. I LOVE it, but both the Dude and I have had to adjust to the new height. We were both uncertain about the sleeping up by the ceiling thing, but I think we’re over that now!  Besides, if we were to lower the mattress (by taking out the platform/box spring) we wouldn’t be able to reach the groovy lights!

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 012

The ‘rails’ are actually 2 storage boxes with drawers! I LOVE them! Probably my favorite feature! There is room for a third drawer by the head of the bed, but generally people have nightstands there. In our case we could have used the extra storage, but I’m not going to complain.. I GOT A NEW BED!

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 016

Drew thinks it’s great, but has to perform a complicated maneuver to get up on the bed now. He lifts the bed-skirt to find a toe-hold, then uses the footboard to get the rest of the way up. Dudley and I just tend to lean/fall backwards onto it, swinging our legs up with the momentum of the fall. He he he…

Thanksgiving sunrise, new bed 018

Since the dude and I have been together we’ve slept on my old full mattress, the houseboat berth (we crawled into a 3 foot hole to sleep every night), and Kyle’s used headboard with a $20 metal frame. It’s soooo cool to have an nice bed finally!

Happy Christmas to me… happy Christmas to me….

1 comment:

  1. I love the bed. where are the cats? Don't cats always sleep on quilts? Good job.
