
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Late Halloween Post

Thought I'd better get these published..

I've been holding off because I didn't get a photo of Drew in his dragon costume, I meant to do it right after Halloween, but then I put all the Halloween stuff away in the crawl space under the house. Am I a bad mom or what? Luckily I found this photo on Dude's camera...the suit is a leetle tight on Drew, but he was determined to be a dragon!
(Notice the bare feet? That's how warm it was on Halloween!)

The guys on Halloween day..

Douglas' "back yard" costume. He was the back yard, dirt pants and sleeves, grass shirt, face, and hair.. complete with bugs crawling all over him...pants, shirt, and hair..

He thought the face paint would be cool.. ended up scrubbing it off at school about an hour into it. Imagine that?

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