The "show" was a fund raiser for Herriman's kids Lacrosse teams.
It was estimated that over 3000 people would attend the tournament.
Heather and I worked our hiney's off all day/night Friday, getting ready for the 6:00am departure time. (I got about 4 hours of sleep, Heather didn't sleep AT ALL)
We loaded up my 1979 Mercedes station wagon to the gills, tied a couple of chairs and tent/canopy to the top, and off we went.
We found the park it was located in, and began setting up our booth. I found a prime location in the pavilion, up by the stage, in the shade, and out of the wind. (We really wanted shade for Heather's bakery goods, so the frosting, etc. would melt & get gooey)
So the 8:00am start time came, and we didn't see any teams coming to play on the field adjacent to the pavilion. Hmmm... we tracked down the lady running the show, and were told that apparently the tournament had been moved to an upper field, because some T-ball kids needed the regular field. Nobody running the show had been told about the change until after the show began.
Lovely. Well the field they'd moved to was just south of the Pavilion, but on a different level (the field was level with the pavilion roof), but signs were being made and word spread to send people/parents down to the pavilion.
Well, long story short, nobody saw the signs, or cared about the fund raiser and we sold product to maybe 15 people all day. Five of them were Heather's relatives.
I sold a donut.
To Heather's dad.
(In case you're wondering why he would want a donut, he's a cop & is going to put it on his desk... hmmm do I detect a new market?)
Ooohhhh. Aaahhhh.
Pretty disappointing. We sent Heather's 2 teenage daughters out with samples, out bragging about how good the stuff was, and out with business cards/flyers to stick on cars. Nothing seemed to help.
I spent my money from the donut on 2 pecan logs another vendor was selling. (Happy Father's Day Dad and Dudley!) They were too yummy to pass up, and at least I made enough to cover their cost! Ha!
So... lessons learned:
1) Research the potential better in future. (although this one SHOULD have had plenty of potential)
2) We did learn how to set up our booth, what we needed, how to make it easier in future, etc.
3) Look for more shows to attend, with more proven success. (This WAS the very first Lacrosse fundraiser ever for Herriman)
4) Be happy my items are not perishable. Heather is going to try to unload some of her cupcakes on local restaurants for their dessert options.
5) Try, try again!
Anywho.. now you get to see the stuff I made for it! (Minus one donut.. it was yellow)
We are going to look into a booth at the Utah State Fair, will keep you posted!
That stuff is so super cute, I'm sure if you went to another craft fair you would sell out. Try not to let it get you down. I'd buy!