Last summer a neighbor had a bunch of stuff on her curb that she was leaving out for all us local scroungers to take away for her. Well I've never been one to pass up freebies!
I grabbed this then hutch because of the style and quality of the piece (this thing is freaking HEAVY!). It was a dark 70's brown, with no bottom shelf. For awhile it sat on top of my then dresser/now sideboard in my bedroom and held books. But once I got my cool new armoire's for the bedroom, this got moved to my basement hallway (at the bottom of the stairs, totally in the way for months), and finally was moved out under the carport.
Finally, I realized I needed even MORE storage in my now crammed full sewing room (stuff literally starting to stack up on the floor.. amazing how fast that happens!)
I've tried to give it away to numerous neighbors, many who considered it, but passed it over as "too much work".
So inspiration struck, measurements were taken, and this is the end result! I put it in the corner once occupied by the red dresser, which is now housed next to the hutch.
Yes, those two pieces are a little tight, but the functionality is there, and that's what matters most right?
Anywho.. it's barely 10am and lookee what I've managed to do already! Let's see what other projects I can tackle today!